Fruit of Life Floorplate

~The Fruit of Life~

Sacred geometry and frequencies of Light help to awaken DNA codes within our Multidimensional selves. Our DNA receives this pattern of Light, activating these codes of remembrance.

Within the Fruit of Life can be found Metatron’s Cube, The Flower of Life, and all of the new Platonic Solids. These geometries are the building blocks of our physical world. The Fruit of Life is considered the Divine blueprint of the Universe and the basis to everything in existence.

Created from 127 Golden Fire Rings, this phenomenal piece is encased with EcoPoxyyUV, a natural plant-based resin that is resistant to yellowing. An ultra heavy 29” Golden Fire Ring surrounds the structure.

The Fruit of Life Floorplate is like having a portable Ascension Chamber.  Standing on the plate aligns Chakras and other Energy Bodies, as well as cleaning clearing aligning and balancing throughout all time space dimensions. And this is just the beginning of the work it does.  Truly the most powerful portable portal we create here at Twistedsage Studios.

It is the base for the 5D Animator / Ascension Chamber.

Each plate is custom created upon request, and is attuned to your Light.
It takes our crew nearly a month to create this masterpiece.
$4000 plus shipping.

Please contact Brian with any questions regarding making a Floorplate for you. 

Standard Fire Rings

Standard Fire Rings

With the energy of fire, the Elemental energy of Fire, these Rings clean and clear through multiple layers

to bring in the passion of the Soul, which is also Fire.

The Fire Rings, just as the Harmony Rings, create a third field between them.

You need only one Ring to create this third field, using your other hand instead of a second Ring.

You may create this field as big as you want, but then just Be.

Use the field to envelope whole body.

Do so with intentions of letting go and letting the field do what it does.

Because the Soul will connect into Rings, allow and know your Higher You is taking care of it.

Your Soul will release and remove those things that you don’t need, in order to bring in that passion, the fire of Soul.

We suggest using the Harmony in conjunction with the Fire Ring to bring the physical body into harmony with the higher frequency.

The 1-¾ inch Wifi Ring is made of 12 gauge copper.

The 1″ Personal Fire Ring makes a great size 7 finger Ring. Made of 12 gauge copper.

The 3-1/8″ Standard Fire Ring is only slightly smaller in diameter in comparison to the standard Harmony Ring. Made of 8 gauge copper.

The 10″ Companion Ring fits nicely over the head to rest on the shoulders, or under the chair or bed. Made of 8 gauge copper.

The 23″ Practitioner’s Ring is a wonderful size to work with yourself and others. Made of 6 gauge copper.

Cleaning and Clearing and Passion. Great Passion. Lights a fire under you.

444 Coil

444 Coil

The 888 was used to create a small coil. It is a Bridge Builder. It is beyond Galactic. It connects with Creation energy, and brings that Creation energy more into the human.
Connected through the Soul, yet beyond the Soul. Brings in knowing beyond this Earth plane.

Heart Mind Soul Over-Soul connector.
Brings info through Soul. Allows Mind to get a hold of info, and knowing is in Heart.
Brings in information from You to you.
Just a tool, bringing in the pathway to our Higher Soul Self. With all the New Cubit tools, they can “integrate” quickly, being they are simply bridge builders.
As all of our coils, the energy flows in a tube torus. The energy flows out both ends of the coil, wrapping back around and into the alternate end, while this spherical field also spins in both directions simultaneously. There is no up direction to the coil, as it is not polarized like the North/South pole magnetic flow.

This New Cubit acts as a bridge because of the energy that comes through.
You connect through the Ring to the over-soul, Higher Soul Self, or monad… Whatever this greater you is.

It is from this space and place that you bring into your reality what really matters. Incorporating the human and over-soul, it brings in more than you can imagine.

It is bringing in the idea of who you really are.

As you start to use and be with the Ring, it becomes stronger for the person using it.

Releasing of programs and beliefs gets easier and easier.

The Light that comes through has been here, but is intensified with the Ring.

The Ring brings in the Love of Soul.

The Golden Light of the Soul. With this Golden Light, the Soul’s Light, we have seen and experienced instant healings.

The Light, or energy, of the New Cubit Rings came here from another Galaxy, another Universe, at the time of the creation of the Earth. This Cubit measurement is a piece of the Earth, though its origin is not of the Earth.

The ones who stand with this tool, played a part in bringing the Earth into being. This tool has not been on the Earth, until now, but has been within the Earth. In that space and place, it is seen as a sphere.

When asking about this new Ring they have simply told us “Ultimate Manifestation.” It is not manifestation, like dropping a pot of gold at your feet, rather it is to help you see and feel in a new way. The Light energy coming from this Ring assists to release old ways of being. Ultimate Manifestation into this reality, as the new way of being on the new Earth. In this new way of being is Grace and Ease, Unconditional Love, and Joy.

The Testimonials blog offers current feedback on the New Cubit