Upcoming Events and Work/Trade Opportunities

Hello Friends and Family!

Announcing upcoming events in North Carolina and Colorado!  And if this interests you, then perhaps a work/trade opportunity may as well! 🙂

Brian is going back out on the road this year to offer the Ascension Pyramid experience at regional expos and events.  If you are near any of these localities, and would like to apply for work/trade, then please contact Brian at twistedsage@hotmail.com.  Offering product trade for assistance in unloading and set-up the evening prior to the event, during the event, and to help tear-down directly afterwards.  We have an applicant for Colorado, but can always use a backup!

Expos and Fairs for February and March 2023

Raleigh, North Carolina

February 25-26th

Body Mind Spirit Celebration











Ft. Collins, Colorado

March 11-12th

Belu Olisa Spring Holistic Fair 2023














Denver, Colorado

March 17-19th

Body Mind Spirit Celebration