Heddeka Ring

Copper Heddeka Ring

The energy encompasses the finger and flows quickly to the body.

Even those who normally do not feel energy, report a tingling sensation after wearing the ring.  If you are sensitive to energy, you may need to wear for short periods of time until vibrations are raised to the ring’s vibration.

The Heddeka Rings are created by a Shaman/Reiki Master/Portal Keeper and are infused with many great energies, as well as placed within the Buffalo Gap Medicine Wheel and Crystal City Portal to charge.

 Available in all ring sizes, each one a unique piece. Custom sizes are available.

Heddeka Rings come standard in copper.

Also available in Sterling Silver.

The copper Heddeka Rings are more potent.

Harmony Coil

Harmony Coil

This energetically bright and blinding coil brings through its own power, a clearing energy in the form of a clear energy which can clean and clear all. This clear energy, found on the outer edge, precedes the luminous colors which are its toroidal field.

It is a very personal tool, though it can be shared. While the traditional coils create a tube torus that radiates for miles, the Harmony Coil is that of a personal connection.

It allows your own Light, along with that of Earth and Source, to be brought into the coil to be part of its field. As you connect to it, it cleans and clears.

Whatever your Soul Light is or does, it comes through the coil. As your Light fills the environment in which you are connected with, water and food are cleared, and your environment is cleared.

There is a remembering for those who do connect with it…

There is a power in Grace and Ease through Balance and Harmony.

The full length of the Harmony Coil with Harmony Heart is 7” and is ¾” in diameter. It is made of heavier 12 gauge copper, with 12 wraps. The 1/12 Cubit Harmony Heart is created out of flattened 12 gauge copper.

The Harmony Coil could be considered heavy and bulky as a pendant, but I love to wear it as such.

There are many other aspects of the Coil family which come through, but for the dream state, it certainly will make you remember dreams when you connect and sleep with it near. After wearing the creation for one day, I had a 4 hour span of intense download headaches, which is also attributed to the Star Octahedron as an alternative MerKaBa Field, as well as the Tibetan quartz pendants which the Master Alchemyst at The Crystal Hotel had just sent. It was these crystals that gave the boost to finally being able to complete the Harmony Coil, which had been in creation for months!!! I also believe that the new Source Rays are coming through the Harmony Coil – whether they are coming through from my own Light or through the coil… It is my intention to get the Harmony Coil out there to get feedback rolling in, so we can see more of what it is doing. So please share your experiences <3

Infinity Coil

This is one of our older tools, though is still a viable option for some.
It is also used in the standard Activator as the center component.

The Harmony Heart is intertwined with the New Consciousness Coil, creating that Heart/Soul connection.​​~Consciously Connect~The Tensor field from the coil flows in and out both ends simultaneously to create a Torus-shaped energy field. The center of a Tube Torus is a black Whole, a portal where the incoming and outgoing flow meet. The black Whole connects All that Is and is the point of Creation. Use your attention and intention to create, transmute, harmonize, heal, and so forth. The Tube Torus and the black Whole are important tools. The Infinity Coil innately creates a Multidimensional connection to the Light Rays, crystal, mineral, and plant kingdoms, Elementals, and Higher Soul Self and Soul Aspects- for the Greatest Good.~Connecting with the Council of Light~When approaching the Council of Light, come from a State of Gratitude. You may meet an emissary to the Council of Light. To connect with the Rays, call in the most beneficial Beings to bring in the most beneficial Rays for what you desire. This is done while giving attention to the intention, and coming from a State of Gratitude. Consciously set the intention that all that happens is for your Highest and Greatest Good, and the Greatest Good for All. Being in the Sacred Space of the Heart will assist you in being in a State of Gratitude.Your MerKaBa and the Sacred Space of the Heart both have a Tube Torus which shares the same epicenter. You can consciously connect those two centers with the center of your Ascension Coil, which amplifies every field and intention.

I use my coil by simply visualizing the Tube Torus and placing an intention into this central point of Creation. Connect to and visualize this energy field encompassing a sore elbow or a virus within the body, with the intention to heal, to bring into wholeness and harmony, or whatever you choose as a Creator.

You are a Creator.

This tool can assist Conscious Creation.​

The 177 MHz Cubit Coil measures approximately 3″ long by 3/8″ across. A smaller sized 1″ Harmony Heart is woven in to make a coil approximately 4″ in length. The coil is generally wore as a pendant.

This one of a kind energy tool is shown effective in the use of restructuring EMFs and Geopathic stress. The Tensor coil creates a Tube Torus 3/4 mile in diameter.

A strong field of energy envelopes the hand when held, felt by most.

Because of the Infinite Heart at the bottom of the coil, the Tube Torus of the Tensor Coil connects with, amplifies, and strengthens the electromagnetic Tube Torus of your Heart, Head, and MerKaBa Field.

The field creates resonance with the natural state of the human in all dimensional realities.
The coil helps propel its user into a state of natural grace. The coil is here to serve your transformation into the new world vibration.

The Coil is created from the 177 MHz Cubit and the Infinite Heart from the Balance and Harmony, DNA transformations occur with these tools.

It is also an excellent tool for Astral Travel and DreamWork.

444 Torus

The Torus is a soft touch, the peace of Being, yet the power is immense.

Very powerful if can get the human to step away.
Be in the heart and just Be.

When using the 444 Torus, your soul knows why.
Just go into the heart and just Be. And allow Creation Energy to flow.
Not trying to make the outcome. Keep mind out of it the best you can.
Be in the heart and allow it to do its magic.

Don’t expect the outcome to happen instantly, but know that when you place the Torus,
know that the transformation is taking place. Time isn’t relevant.

If you need to take an active role in it, this is not for you.

This is for those who can just Be.
These tools were made in the new energy.
The Being, not the doing. This is a new concept.
If just beginning, just know you have to be able to get out of the way.
To find more about the Torus design,
or if you would like to consider a different Torus to take more of an active role with,
please visit the Harmony Torus

The 444 Torus physical aspects:

Nearly twelve inches in diameter.
Weighs exactly two pounds.
The outer Ring is an ultra-heavy 4-gauge 888.

Personal observations and experiences:

I have found this to be the most powerful hand-held tool we have created.
Holding over the Heart opens it wide. Holding it above the head opens the crown wide open.
Can be used on any of the chakras for opening clearing balancing.
Still a great tool to “use” for body work, but again, the Magic and Miracles are in the Be-ing….