Time Study~


Hi Everyone!

The shop has been steady busy lately, and the team has been creating tools like crazy! The orders keep coming and we are focusing on bringing new tools into the shop that will be available soon. Whenever it is decided to bring in a new tool, the tool will go through a creation process of brainstorming, putting together the vision, anchoring them into the etheric templates and then… THEN.. The team gets busy! Each team member is required to do a ‘time study’, this is the somewhat stressful part of creating. Each station (team member) sets a timer to see how long it takes to complete their part of the project. This process allows us to see how much time, materials, and energy it takes to put together the tools. This helps in gauging the prices of all our products, and we ALL feel like Miss Mary (pictured) when completed.

On The Road Again~

Hi Everyone!

Would you take a minute and celebrate this glorious site with me?! THIS!.. This is the TRAVEL box! It is in the process of being prepped, restocked, organized and ready to roll. Yep, Brian is back on the road again! Brian can be found traveling through Montana for the next couple of days on his way to speak at the Annual Fairy Conference held in Washington State. Keep an eye on our Instagram page (Twistedsage Studios) to catch any updates as he travels.

Ascension Grid Pyramid

Hi There!

Have you had the chance to check out our newest product? The Ascension Grid Pyramids have been build for the purpose of making energy grids around the world! These little babies are doing BIG work already and just waiting for you to join the fun! Check out more on energy grids and the grid currently in progress.

Ascension Grid


Vacuum Packing

Hey Everyone!

We are always looking to improve how we do things here at the shop, anything to make it easier, or faster, improve quality. In an attempt to ensure the safe arrival of your orders we are now vacuum sealing orders and triple checking items before they are sent out. Items will be sealed together in one bag. This has cut down on the use of plastic and ensures ALL items are safe and secure when they arrive at your doorstep.