mini Light Wand

mini golden light wand

The mini Light Wand is just as powerful as the full-sized Golden Light Wand.

Energetically, it’s a golden rod about 22 inches tall, its fuzzy rainbow-color energy vibrates along with a humming sound. The sound coming from the rod is used for healing, clearing, and everything. The color and sound work together as part of what this tool is. The mini Light Wand is a physical bridge to this energetic tool.

The approx. four inch brass rod (specifically 11.7711 cm) is a sacred measure, a 1/9 fraction of the Teotihuacan Unit. The golden-light rod exists on a higher dimensional plane and anchors into the physical through the mini Light Wand.

As the Higher Soul Self steps in to hold the rod, the work we do directly affects the Soul aspects throughout time, space, and dimensions.
When a person holds the wand, they are engulfed in a Golden-White Light. Clearing takes place with the person and vibrations are raised all around them. This brings through more than just personal and environmental clearing and healing, rather situations and realities are also cleared and healed in the process.

Short Instructions:

Simply make the statement, while holding the rod, that you are in the Heart Space, and it is so.
Make the statement that you are clean and clear.
Clean and clear throughout all time, space, dimensions. Clean and clear of programs and beliefs which hold you in a particular perspective, or reality.
Then all is a void as All that you are, along with the Universe, put your reality back together again.
As you hold the wand, a bubble expands from you. You can also, with intent, focus the energy.

Sacred Space of the Heart: Imagine your consciousness as a little ball of light, the size of a marble. Your consciousness sits right behind the pineal gland in the middle of the brain. Before we were born, our consciousness resided in the heart. Within the physical heart are tens-of-thousands of brain cells. At some time during or after the birth process, we moved into the brain.
When we step back into the Heart, it is where we access our multidimensional Soul-selves. It is a place ego cannot go. While doing this energy work, its imperative to be in the Heart Space.

To use the wand:

Hold with intention of entering the Heart Space. You may be able to feel it, as the heart expands. Trust it is so, as it is.
When doing the work, all time, space, and dimensions are aligned for the work to be complete. The Golden-White Light cleans and clears. Your field is completely cleaned and cleared as your entire Being raises in vibration. Lower vibrational programs, and beliefs are cleared in the process.
With intention, implants, entities, cords, and all other non-beneficial attachments are completely gone.
Brings you to a clean slate, completely clean and cleared. Programs, Beliefs, and even Karma, is completely cleared in a moment.
What’s brought back in, is between you and the Universe and You.

A physical energy tool: Use as a wand to focus energy, raising everything in frequency and vibration, resulting in cleaning, clearing, and healing. The wand has a soothing affect rolling across the skin.

Working with other people: Again, begin by being in the Heart Space, being clean and clear, and perhaps grounded and connected. The wand creates sacred space, in the form of an energy bubble around you.
As your soul holds the etheric rod, you invite who you wish into your circle, and offer them the rod. Those who’s Souls are on board to have the clearing work done will accept it. If it is not part of the Soul’s path, the clearing won’t affect them. The Soul will know, so just trust the outcome.
I feel a swoosh when the person does the work, almost like anchoring in. I feel it super intense when someone else does the work, though most people doing it will only note that a shift took place!!!

While you are in that space, it is a great opportunity to simply “call in” the 5D Animator / Ascension Chamber as a column of Light, holding space for the person’s Soul to step into the column. More on the Chamber at

Environmental- Go to where you want to clear with intentions of doing so. This does not have to be in the physical, you can simply imagine being there. Balls of white Light come out the end of the rod, swirling and covering the whole area. A sphere of Golden White Light encompasses the workspace, including the earth below, no matter if doing it by distance or in person.
For an instant, there is a void, as everything is sucked up and then explodes out in white Light. All that is left is a feeling of Grace and Ease to the environment. The area is left clean and clear and in a high vibrational state. This bubble extends throughout time, dimensions, and realities, causing a residual effect of the work completed.

Just as the Golden Light Dowsing Rods are used to clear or reroute non-beneficial energy Lines, so can the Golden Light Wand, with intention. The white Light explodes out and shoots down the grid lines, clearing them. You can even clear non-beneficial portal/vortexes with your intention and the Wand.

Most importantly- As you do any of the work, don’t try to bring about things to be in a certain way. Nor try to anchor anything in, or fill in spaces, or whatever. Just trust and leave it up to your Higher Soul Self. The guides stress over and over to not limit anything by trying to put it into a box. To step out of the way and allow.

Truth and Harmony
When you use these tools, the energy field in that reality is changed, and everything comes back into Truth and Harmony. Not everyone will be attracted to these tools, as they perpetuate Truth and Harmony within the reality.

There are a small number of Souls who do not take the Golden Light Rod when offered, even if their human does. It’s certainly not everyone’s journey.

The energetic aspect of the mini Light Wand is found in both the Golden Light Wand and the Golden Light Dowsing Rods.

Dowsing Rods will be coming soon!


Fairy Wands

Fairy Wands

Comes with an adjustable black leather lanyard

Crystal sun of Earth. Elementals. Intention, to bring the healing energy of earth into the body.

Healing wand- healing the human, including the emotional bodies.

Heart connecting, grounding.

Crystal Sun Activation, DNA activation.

Not the soul-level work like the Dragon Wands...

Produces a Tensor Field, which restructures Electro Magnetics. Restructures water.
Wearing the Wand as a necklace does offer the body EMF protection.

To use the wand:
Hold the wand to connect with the fairy. Once you meet them, you can ask for a name if you like.
You do not have to carry the wand, rather simply ask the fairy to be there when you need!

3-3/4 inch copper wand made from the 144 MHz Sacred Cubit measure that was used in the Egyptian Pyramids

Dragon Wands

Dragon Wands

Brought to you by the Council of Six.

These six Dragons are here to assist those throughout our Galaxy. They are healers, healing from the paradigm of raising the vibration from the core, on all bodies. The raising of vibration cleans, clears, and heals.

The Council of Six works with the Earth and the Earth Elementals through the process, all in the Highest and Greatest Good of All Creation. Through the raising in vibration, we as individuals, and the planet, are propelled forward, affecting our Galaxy, our Universe, and All of Creation.

The Dragon Wand is created with all the base properties of the Harmony Coil, such as the multi-colored Rays of Source Light coupled with your own Soul’s Light, the Clear Light of transmuting and transforming, and of course the Heart connection… There are codes, downloads, remembrances, and the like, which simply occur by having the wand in your field.

In working with Dragons, we find their skills and abilities to be very tangible and beneficial in clearing and healing.

Using the Source Rays for clearing and healing, physical shifts would occur instantly within the body- such as vertebrae and ribs going back into place. Then we found the Dragon’s breath and unconditional love frequencies of the Dragon’s Songs to be even more profound, dissolving, clearing, and healing as quickly as your mind would allow.

The Council of six came in to assist in the creation of the wand. Their energetic signatures are carried through into the wands. When someone picks up and resonates with a Dragon wand, the Dragons are right there, holding the wand along with the person. Not everyone will resonate with the wands.

The Gold Dragon brings through frequencies of unconditional love- in a song. This can dissolve energetic implants, blockages, clear environmental, etc. The Dragon’s breath, or Dragon’s fire, also clears, and is very beneficial in healing on the energetic and physical.

Dragon Wands are created upon request. You will already have the introduction to these beings once you receive your wand.

Dragon Wands can be used on the physical body for energy work, for clearing, raising vibrations, opening flow, as well as environmental work.

It is always at my side, though rarely use it- I primarily use consciousness tools, and the physical tools help to facilitate that connection and ability.

It is a tool for your attention and intention, and yet so much more.

The Standard-sized Wand is approximately 11″ long. The mini Wand is approximately 6″ in length.
There is no difference in potency or “power” of the two sizes, one is simply more portable,
while the larger simply feels more like a “wand.”

Each wand is made for the individual, though can be used by anyone who resonates with it.

My personal Wand is connected to a key-chain and bell, which hangs by my side.
The mini Wand is great to wear as a pendant, my little girls’ favorite pendant to where into the City for keeping clear.

Golden Fire Generator

The winds of change…. can you feel it!!?!!

Everyone within this field will be affected in some way.

Any size of Golden Fire Generator can be carried into a stadium, for example, to effect great change. As the field radiates out, it is that of the Sacred Heart and Quantum Mind. People and Beings may not catch that, but they will feel the Peace on some level. And that is where the seed is planted, is within that Peace. In some level, they feel the Peace. That energy is then with them. It starts a chain of events, of synchronicity. That’s where the power lies. When the seed is planted, and one goes back into life again, synchronicity will bring them back into that Peace, somehow.

Simply being exposed to that field of the Sacred Heart and Quantum Mind completely changes everything in people’s lives.

People (and other Beings within that field) recognize the feeling of that field on some level. Maybe consciously, or not.

Their Soul begins to work towards that recognition and move towards that.

Deep within us we each know our path and what we want to do… Our Soul’s Heart’s Desires.

All Golden Fire Generators have the same size field, which is about a city block radius.

No need to program or do anything.
These particular Generators are actually non-programmable.

Because the Sacred Heart is so pure, anything you would try to put in them would take away from what they are.

More about the Golden Fire tools and the Sacred Heart Activation can be found here.

Once you are exposed to the Sacred Heart, your Soul will do what it can to get you there again.

When you wear the Golden Fire tools, the energy field they produce acts as a reminder.
The tools remind you of the Activation.
Reminds the inner Being that you have the Sacred Heart, so you can continue to use it.

So many Activations you may receive, but do you use them?

This is an important tool to use, your Sacred Heart…

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